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Ankh and Energy

Today we will talk about a mystery that has baffled scientists: the "Ankh".   


I wonder what it symbolizes and what is the secret of its relationship to energy science?


The "Ankh" symbolizes new life and power. It is like a miniature map of Egypt. The key to life, "Ankh", is linked to beginnings, which are known in ancient Egypt as:

  • Zep-Tepi - meaning the first breath.

It is the symbol of the first life when God began the life of humans and kings on earth.

The Key of Life represents a closed circle that means resurrection after death. Therefore, the pharaohs performed most of their religious rituals with it. Many temples in Luxor and Aswan depicted this on the tombs of ancient kings. Horus was always engraved on the tomb, holding the key of life, which signifies, according to interpretations, his resurrection after death.

Scientists have confirmed that the symbol of life, "Ankh", is the only geometric shape that can reorganize and renew energy in the place where it is located. Through research conducted by the American physicist Walter Bowman Russell, he concluded that the universe originated and developed due to the interaction between two main energies:

  • Electrical energy

  • Magnetic energy


This aligns with ancient beliefs that electricity is the energy of the sun (considered masculine), while magnetism is the energy of the moon (considered feminine). They concluded that life originated from the balance and interaction between these two energies.


Returning to Walter Russell's theory:

- Electricity is transmitted in straight and intersecting lines.

- Magnetism is transmitted in oval or semi-circular lines.

Comparing this to the shape of the key of life:

- The lower part, designed in the shape of the letter "T", represents electrical energy (the sun).

- The upper part, which is oval in shape, represents magnetic energy (the moon).

The Ankh is a symbol of the balance between these two energies, which is why it is primarily relied upon in the science of energy healing.


Join us on our golden light journey in Egypt and explore all ancient healing ways.


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